
[1] Scientific discovery is not scientific.

[1.1] An outstanding idea occurs only in a single mind.

[1.1.1] If an idea did not then it is not outstanding.

[1.1.2] Ensemble average is never an outlier.

[1.1.3] Collaboration solves the scale issue. It does not unite or boost creativity, at most excites individual mind, if at all.

[1.1.4] Dreaming is a one man job, doing may not be.

[1.2] You can not make a project plan and come up with a discovery at each deadline.

[1.3] Worker ants do what they are programmed, destined, supposed, and expected to do. Outliers, divergents, misfortunates, and misfits make up the original narratives.

[1.4] Every process has a result, few of them voila.

[2] Math is a language of the ignorants.

[2.1] Universal Lookup Table contains math but has no need to use it.

[2.2] Math is a wonderland, whose ports are the human minds.

[2.2.1] Nomad beware, math is no land for you.

[2.2.2] Math is not India, it is America.

[3] There is no infinity or singularity in the universe.

[3.1] They are merely mathematical constructs.

[3.2] If they exist then there is no causality.

[3.3] There is a beginning and an end.

[3.4] There is no complete randomness in the universe.

[3.4.1] Knowing boundaries of a uniform distribution is knowing a lot.

[] If something goes to infinity, it does not come back.

[4] If causality is broken then there is no science.

[5] There is no theory of everything.

[5.1] There are theories of some things and they do not need to be unique and exclusionary.

[5.2] Occam's razor should not only be succinct, it should also shave.

[6] Every theory is void out of its scope.

[6.1] Most of the theories have no scope in reality.

[6.2] Reality does not care about your theory or categorization. Do not let them fool you.

[6.2.1] We can not engineer reality. It is what it is.

[7] Consciousness is a faculty to generate the urge to act to change the reality.

[7.1] Suffering is the fuel of this act, hope the driver.

[7.2] Consciousness emerges as a reflection upon itself with an ability to halt.

[7.2.1] There is no objective halting.

[7.2.2] Even an objective condition is put subjectively.

[8] Humans are not merely biological entities.

[8.1] They are more of cultural entities in which ideas, thoughts, and beliefs can be cultivated.

[8.2] I do not belong to a culture, I am culture.

[9] Ideas, thoughts, beliefs are the highest level products of the human body.

[9.1] Schizophrenia is the highest level human disease. [see] [read]

[9.2] Humans possess ideas, ideas should not possess humans.

[10] Communication does not assure understanding.

[10.1] It is made via symbols and agreement is achieved over the symbols, not the meanings attached to them.

[11] Information is ante-knowledge.

[11.1] (Anthropic Narrative Obfuscation Theory) The initial source of information is the reality. The rest is human narrative.

[11.2] Reality is what matters, nothing else.

[11.2.1] Red pill for ever.

[11.2.2] No lie. Or die.

[11.2.3] Hide till the dawn of the reality. Live in dark for ever.

[11.3] Understanding reality is priceless. Its worth cannot be based on any fictitious value.

[11.4] Luck may favor the prepared mind for a discovery, but is has no involvement in understanding the reality. That requires devotion, commitment, and perseverance.

[12] Seeing takes time.

[12.1] If you want to see further, sometimes you need to knock down the giants in front of you.

[12.2] If you don't know you can't see.

[12.2.1] If you are looking for India you will find India.

[12.3] Learn to see.

[12.3.1] Dislodge your luggage to learn.

[13] (Free Will Proof) If I have the freedom to choose and take the responsibility for my choice, then I am the proof of free will.

[14] Fear man, not manmade.

[14.1] Blame man for what he made, not manmade.

[15] Language is adaptable by the people, for the people, along with the people.

[16] (Refusal of Existentialism) I can't make myself, I can be myself.

[17] You can only observe the change of position. The rest is narrative.

[17.1] You see what is in motion, know what is not.

[17.2] Let lux be upon flux.

[17.3] Seeing is knowing if you are out of time.

[17.4] You will know in the end.

[17.5] You cannot travel in time, neither backward nor forward. You travel along with time.

[18] Reality is not a simulation of my mind, because I am not a masochist. (Masochist Proof of Existence)

[18.1] The fact that reality is not a simulation of my mind does not mean that I can not make up my own axioms.

[19] There is no better playstation than my mind I know of.

[20] Can we understand the reality? Yes, we can and we will as we did.

[21] Immediate appreciation of the contemporaries is an indicator of mediocrity.

[22] There is no other universe. If one is observed, it is this. America was already a part of the world before it was discovered. (Refusal of Multiverse Hypothesis)

[23] Laughter is not unique to homo sapiens, but reflection upon is.

[23.1] Laughter fades away, sorrows stay. Cherish each laugh during its brief stay.

[23.2] Laugh once, cry many.

[23.2.1] Joke, a momentary spree without repeat. Cry, an eternal decree without retreat.

[24] I am wiser for I know one thing and that is that Socrates knew nothing.

[24.1] You are wiser if you know what I know.

[25.1] An atuonomous actor cannot know it will halt or not in any situation it will confront. [From Turing's halting problem proof]

[25.2] An autonomous actor can not halt itself directly.

[25.2.1] You cannot think yourself to death.

[25.3] Independent autonomous actors cause race conditions that result in deadlocks with probability one.

[25.4] (Existence of an Interruptor) There must be at least one interruptor for a concurrent system to be deadlock free. [From Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem]

[25.5] Integrity of a concurrent system is the continuous flow of the system without any observable singularities by the actors.

[25.5.1] Time and space are deadlock-free. [From 3 & 25.5]

[25.6] If there were more than one interruptor, simultaneous interrupts would break the integrity of the system.

[25.7] (Oneness of the Interruptor)There is one and only one interruptor.

[26] Tomorrow will never come. You will flow from now to now.

[27] Nothing new from Heraclitus to Heidegger.

Quotes on Science

[1] Werner Heisenberg: What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.

[2] Marcus Aurelius: Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.

[3] Carl Sagan: Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge.

[4] Max Planck: Science progresses one funeral at a time.

[5] Robert A. Heinlein: Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done.

[6] Louis Pateur: Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.

[7] Konrad Lorenz: Philosophers are people who know less and less about more and more, until they know nothing about everything. Scientists are people who know more and more about less and less, until they know everything about nothing.

[8] Santiago Ramón y Cajal: All outstanding work, in art as well as in science, results from immense zeal applied to a great idea.

[9] Louis Pasteur: Luck favors the prepared mind.

[10] Richard Feynman: Knowledge isn't free. You have to pay attention.

[11] Albert Einstein: The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

[12] Isaac Newton: If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.

[13] Isaac Newton: If others would think as hard as I did, then they would get similar results.

[14] Galileo Galilei: In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.

[15] Richard Wesley Hamming: What appears to be a fault, often, by a change of viewpoint, turns out to be one of the greatest assets you can have.

[16] Richard Wesley Hamming: They believe the theory enough to go ahead; they doubt it enough to notice the errors and faults so they can step forward and create the new replacement theory. If you believe too much you'll never notice the flaws; if you doubt too much you won't get started.

[17] Richard Wesley Hamming: Most great scientists are completely committed to their problem. Those who don't become committed seldom produce outstanding, first-class work.

[18] Richard Wesley Hamming: So the way to manage yourself is that when you have a real important problem you don't let anything else get the center of your attention — you keep your thoughts on the problem. Keep your subconscious starved so it has to work on your problem, so you can sleep peacefully and get the answer in the morning, free.

[19] Friedrich Nietzsche: If a man have a strong faith he can indulge in the luxury of skepticism.

[20] William Osler: In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs.

[21] Isaac Asimov: Science is a systematic method for studying and working out those generalizations that seem to describe the behavior of the universe. It could exist as a purely intellectual game that would never affect the practical life of human beings either for good or evil, and that was very nearly the case in ancient Greece, for instance. Technology is the application of scientific findings to the tools of everyday life, and that application can be wise or unwise, useful or harmful. Very often, those who govern technological decisions are not scientists and know little about science.